This section gives headline information about the player including their level, age group, which clubs they play for and any membership numbers they have. This information is received with the results but can be updated and completed by player members and admins.
Level confidence is the confidence the system has in the player's level. It goes up with more matches played and down with unexpected results. A player's level will change more quickly if their level confidence is low so it gets to the right level more quickly.
Poult Wood, Kent, Senior Level confidence - 73% after last match, 28% now.
Possible duplicates
With many players playing in different leagues, tournaments, clubs etc., their results can come in from a number of different systems resulting in multiple profiles. This table shows players with the same name who are about the same level and who are therefore possibly the same player.
If you know this player and can confirm that one or more of the suggested duplicates in the table are them then please let us know by selecting YES and clicking SEND. We review these requests every day and merge those that look likely. Sometimes the players' history shows them to have been at different clubs on the same day so we may query those.
Alternatively, if you know they are different players then please let us know that too. The suggested duplicate will then be removed.
By helping us in this way, it ensures that all our players' results are combined into single profiles which is better for everyone and provides more calibration data for the system. You are playing your part in the accuracy of the system. Thank you!
This chart shows level after each match over time up to two years of history and, if over two years, it shows the level average for each month. For the per-match chart, hover over each point for result details.
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Level played at - Last 10 matches
This chart shows the level played at for each match compared with their standard, damped, level history. This assumes their opponent played at or near their own level and that the result was down to this player's playing level for that match.
This is what the level chart would look like if there was no damping.
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Consistency - Last 10 matches
This chart shows how close the result was to the expected result and also how consistent the game scores were. For intance 11-3, 3-11 is less consistent than 11-8, 11-8.
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Head to head
Player stats - Last 10 matches
This table summarises the player's stats for the period selected. Hopefully most are self-explanatory. Looking at the last four gives us the latest levels which we can compare to previous levels to calculate the current trend. If the level change over the last year is positive we can extrapolate and calculate how long it will take this player to turn professional! If it's less than a hundred years, we show it!
Note that the rankings for club, region, country etc. are also links. Clink on these to go straight to the appropriate ranking with this player highlighted in it.
Matches played: 10
Won: 6
Lost: 4
Win ratio: 60%
Games played: 38
Won: 20
Lost: 18
Win ratio: 53%
Points played: 943
Won: 475
Lost: 468
Win ratio: 50%
Levels - Initial: 416, Year ago: 592, Season start: TBD, Now: 643
Change - Overall: +55%, Last year: +9%, This season: n/a, Last match: +4%
Last 4 - Level: 632, Level played at: 660, Trend: +4%
All the player's results for the period selected are shown here, most recent first, along with the effect of each one on the player's level.
Note that a lot of the information shown are also links. Click on the match type to see the ranking list of all players who play in the same matches (such as a tournament or league) with this player highlighted. Click on the club name for the club ranking. Click on the date for more information about the match if if available. This is also the route to take if you want to edit the match result (and have the required permissions). Clicking on Explain levels takes you to the page that shows all the steps taken to determine what level change should be applied. Clicking on Head to head shows you the player comparison page for the two players which includes the expected result between them.